Sunday, June 23, 2019

For Residents of Flushing Queens - Stop the Construction of a 9-Story Complex on the Site of Whitestone Lanes

The owner of the Whitestone Bowling Lanes is asking for a zoning change of his property to permit construction of a 9-story building on the sight which will include Bowling Lanes, Wellness Center, Medical Offices, and over 300 apartments.  The building will be on Linden Place, Farrington Street, and the Whitestone Expressway service road.  To approve this application, the Community Board would have to vote a zoning variance. Any change in zoning that would allow them to further erode the Mitchell-Linden Community by adding to what is already a congested, overcrowded, dense, and heavily trafficked area.  We fought to keep the Board of Education from building two High Schools on that property and we must continue our commitment by denying them the opportunity to develop this project.

Please sign this petition and pass it along to your neighbors so we can stop the construction of this complex.

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