Tuesday, June 4, 2019

World of Bob Dylan Symposium - Evening of May 30 - Keynote by Greil Marcus

Greil Marcus is an American author, music journalist and cultural critic. He is notable for producing scholarly and literary essays that place rock music in a broader framework of culture and politics.  He published extensively with his some books specifically about Dylan.

Marcus, G. (2013). Invisible republic: Bob Dylan's basement tapes.

Marcus, G. (2006). Like a rolling stone: Bob Dylan at the crossroads.

Marcus, G. (2015). Bob Dylan: Writings 1968-2010.

I encountered in the early afternoon and reminded him about his appearance in New York City in December 2010.  The title was Bob Dylan and the Band: What Kind of Love is This.  I documented it in this journal.  Greil did not remember this appearance.  Either I have an excellent memory or he has a poor one.

The title of his keynote was "Kill Everybody Done Me Wrong" Blues and Bob Dylan.  He extensively discussed how the blues influenced Dylan's very early works.  He also stated that it is stunning what people will do to avoid art.

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