Thursday, June 6, 2019

World of Bob Dylan Symposium - Final Thoughts and the Trip Home

There were sessions on the morning of Sunday, June 2, but I couldn't go since my flight out of Tulsa left at 12:50 PM.  Sunday's events were held at the Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame that was very close to the hotel.  If I knew the schedule in advance, I likely would have booked a later flight. The three full days were enough for me. 

I must thank and congratulate Sean Latham and other at the University of Tulsa for arranging this major event.  There were no logistical problems in running this symposium.  The accommodations at the Hyatt Regency were excellent.  It was fun meeting and talking to other Dylan enthusiasts.  This meeting was academically orientated, and not in any way to be a fan fest.  Dylan songs are always vague and open to interpretation.  I didn't agree with all of the statements made by presenters, but I respected their opinions.  I met Scott Warmuth and Laura Tenschert whom I'd been in touch with online.  There is a Facebook group associated with this event.  Hopefully, many of us can keep in touch that way.  There was a hint that there would be another symposium in 2 years.

I was anxious about the weather and how it may affect travel.  There was not one drop of rain in the 4 days I was in Tulsa.  My flight from Tulsa to Chicago left on time.  The connecting flight to LaGuardia was delayed for about 2 hours.  That certainly was not the worst thing in the world.  There was so much construction about LaGuardia that I had to take a shuttle bus to get to a yellow cab.  I finally arrived home at 10 PM.

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