Monday, June 3, 2019

World of Bob Dylan Symposium - May 29th - Traveling to Tulsa

I didn't take my laptop on this trip as I didn't want to spend hours a day surfing the web as I do at home.  I had my Kindle fire and iPhone so I could keep abreast of things and was limited on how much I can write.  I took notes at the meeting, so it may take me a few days and several journal entries to catch up.

As I mentioned in a previous entry there was some anxiety about traveling to Tulsa after the heavy rainstorms and flooding.

I left my house at 10:30 AM to make sure I caught my 1:00 PM flight to Chicago.  I called a local car service but had to wait about 30 minutes to get a ride to LaGuardia Airport.  I arrived in plenty of time.  The United flight left on time, but I was afraid I would not make my connecting flight to Tulsa.  However, the connecting flight to Tulsa was slightly delayed and I had plenty of time.  When I arrived at the airport, there were no taxis in sight, so for the first time, I called a Uber which came within minutes.  My trip to Tulsa was largely unenventful.

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