Friday, July 19, 2019

Going on Vacation to Seattle This Year

Tomorrow we are leaving for a vacation to Seattle.  I think I will leave my laptop at home so I won't spend hours surfing the web in my hotel room.  I will bring my Kindle Fire and iPhone to "keep in the loop", but I will be limited as to white I can post.  Thus, there will be no posts in this journal until I return.  At that point, I will report on what we did on our trip.  We will be visiting the tourist attractions there but will be going to two Seattle Mariners games at T-Mobile Park (formerly known as Safeco Park).  For several years we have made similar trips to cities with major league teams:

·         Houston
·         Denver
·         Atlanta
·         Baltimore
·         San Francisco
·         Los Angeles

In all these cities the ballpark was either within walking distance or a short bus ride from our hotel.

Let's hope the vacation will go smoothly.

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