Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Another Bob Dylan Song is Misplaced in a Movie

It was a rainy and dreary day today, so Karen and I walked over to the local multiplex and saw The Kitchen which refers to the Hell's Kitchen section of Manhattan (extreme West 40s).  The film took place in the late 1970s when that area was quite seedy.  There are many luxury high rise apartment buildings in that area today.

This journal entry is not meant to be a movie review, but to comment on a placement of a Bob Dylan song.  I will say that I thought it was too violent with too many murders.  A snippet of Don't Think Twice covered by Melanie appeared just after a funeral.  That song was about a breakup of a romantic relationship and was just not appropriate for this film.  The full version of Melanie's cover can be seen below.  In 2015 I criticized a version of Masters of War placed in the movie Selma.

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