Thursday, September 26, 2019

Tribute and Retrospective of Pete Fornatale at the Performing Arts Research Center of NYPL

There are several entries in this journal about Pete Fornatale who passed away at age 66 in 2012.  Tonight's event at the Bruno Walter Auditorium at NYPL's Performing Arts Library was a tribute and retrospective to him as his interviews will be made available through the library's archives.  The event was hosted by Don McGee who succeeded Pete as the host of Mix Bag heard on WFUV on Saturdays from 4 PM - 8 PM.  As you can see from the photo above there was a full house.

Don played clips of several interviews that Pete did with recording artists including:

  • Don McLean
  • Graham Nash
  • David Crosby
  • Judy Collins
  • Richie Havens
  • Dion
There were photos of Pete with his interview subject projected on the screen.  My only disappointment was that there was no interview with Roger McGuinn on the program, but there was only so much time.  On or about November 1, I will visit the library and find it in their archives.  I understand that it takes time to go through the reel to reel tapes and digitize the recordings.

There were appearances by:
  • Pete Fornatale Jr.
  • Folksinger Mike Agranoff  who recited Sandman about an overnight radio night personality,
I thank Don McGee and the staff at NYPL who made this event possible.

Below is a photo that Pete took with the entire family at the Long Island Radio Fair in 2010.

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