Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Anniversaries and Birthdays

The most important is that on October  16, 1983, I married Karen and the Old Westbury Hebrew Congregation.   The photo above was taken at last year's Oldies Meet and Greet. It's hard to believe that it is 36 years.

On October 16, 1969, the New York Mets won the World Series.  There were many events this year celebrating the 50th anniversary.

October 16, 1992, was the date of the "Bobfest"  at Madison Square Garden celebrating Bob Dylan's 30th anniversary in the music business. I couldn't get tickets, but I watched it on the pay per view telecast. In my opinion, it was the greatest concert ever.

October 15, 2005 - I started this journal.  I have written almost 4,000 entries in 14 years.

October 15 is the birthday of Roy H and Jeff S.

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