Thursday, October 3, 2019

Meeting of Bob Dylan Fans at NYU on Thursday November 7th at 6 PM

There will be a gathering of Bob Dylan enthusiasts held on Thursday Night November 7 at 6 PM on the NYU campus, Room 712 of the East Building, 239 Greene Street, Manhattan.  Please bring some form of photo identification when you come.  I will need to send a list of attendees to security at NYU.  I am hoping that this group can be sustained.  At this organizational meeting, we can discuss our expectations for this group. After the meeting, we can go to a bar/restaurant for dinner and/or drinks. I especially thank Sal Fallica and the NYU administration for providing us with a conference room.  I also thank Walter Raubicheck of Pace University for helping me organize this group. Please sign up for this event on Facebook at .  If you are not on Facebook, please send me an email at so I can send your name to NYU security.

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