A #2 Train as a Redbird
According to my records documented in this journal I last visited the New York Transit Museum was on November 11, 2018. When Lee heard that there is a new exhibition about the Redbirds we had to visit it again. In transit jargon, the R-26 cars that were first introduced in 1959 in different colors were later branded as Redbirds since they were all painted red. They served the lines then known as the IRT which are now the numbered subway lines. Below is a photo of the #7 line that went to the World's Fair in 1964/5 that was later painted red.
This train took me to Shea Stadium. It was later painted red.
When the Redbirds were retired in 2004, they were dumped in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Delaware where they serve as reefs.
The rest of the museum was unchanged since our last visit.