Monday, November 18, 2019

Another Professional Disappointment in Retirement - My METRO Science Librarians Group Folded

In 2000 I organized a Special Interest Group (SIG) of Science and Medical Librarians through the Metropolitan New York Library Council (METRO).  I conducted about 50 professional meetings over 17 years at their headquarters on East 11th Street in Manhattan.  A few years ago that organization moved to 11th Avenue and 45th Street.  Over the years there have been several SIGs covering different areas of librarianship.  A few years ago the SIGs were rebranded as "Meetups".  I didn't care for the rebranding, but there was nothing that I could do.  It was a great source of professional satisfaction for me as I learned much from the speakers and met many fine colleagues from other universities.

In anticipation of my retirement, I found a science librarian from CUNY who was interested in becoming the new convener of this group.  He ran a few meetings and held an organizational meeting in October 2018.  I wanted to be on the mailing list to keep in the loop to be aware of what was happening.  I had heard anything for a while and then checked the METRO web site and noticed that the Science/Medical Librarians Meetup was no longer listed.

It is a disappointment to me that it didn't continue after my retirement.  On the other hand, maybe I accomplished something that nobody else could do.

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