Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Random Thoughts of the Day

So Gerrit Cole is getting $324 Million over 9 years which is $36 Million a year that equates to about  $1 Million per start and $10,000 per pitch.  Does this guarantee the Yankees will win the World Series?  Of course not.  Will Cole stay healthy for the 9 years of his contract?  Let's take a look at some long term contracts where the player lost significant time to injury:

  • David Wright
  • Giancarlo Stanton
  • Yoenes Cespedes
  • Jacoby Ellsbury
I am sure there are many others.

I went to the Paley Center for Media  to view some videos of Elton John since I just bought his biography.  For once, the cost of the print book was less than that of the Kindle edition.  When I searched the holdings I found a radio interview of Elton with Pete Fornatale in 1970.  I also found interviews with Pete interviewing Simon and Garfunkel and Carole King.

Back in September, I attended a function concerning archives of Pete's interviews coming to the Performing Arts Library of NYPL.  Three months later these archives are still not accessible at NYPL.  When I visited them I was given the name and email of the person who is the archivist.  Periodically, I have emailed her and she responds that there are technical problems about getting the archives online.  I think they should not have had the "celebratory" gathering until the recordings were available to the public.  There is no urgency on my part to hear them, but I think it is poor public relations on part of NYPL to have this function when the new unique resource is not yet available.

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