Monday, January 6, 2020

Random Thoughts on Monday Morning in January

I am looking forward to the Jeopardy matchup with Brad Rutter, Ken Jennings, and James Holzhauer.  Ken has won the most games, James has the record for winnings in a game, while Brad has never lost to a human player.  I think the one who lands on the Daily Doubles and bets correctly will win the match.

So far there has been very little snow, but it is only January 6.  I just hate the smaller storms when the traveling conditions are hazardous, but it is not enough to close everything down.  One of the nice things about being retired is not having to worry about getting to work in bad weather.

I still have crazy dreams about working in a library and/or returning to my former employer.  When I wake up, I am grateful that it was only a dream.  Many dreams are very vivid, but I usually forget the details up awakening.

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