Thursday, February 13, 2020

Today's Visit to the International Center of Photography at a New Location

In June 2018 I visited the International Center for Photography when it was located in the Bowery.  Very recently it moved to a new location on Essex Street on the Lower East Side.  The older location included only still photographs but the new facility included many videos.

The major exhibit on display today was called Contact High: A Visual History of Hip-Hop.  The exhibit, part of which is seen above, pays tribute to the way a new genre reinvented popular music.  I think that is too strong a statement since older people generally don't listen to hip hop or rap.

Another exhibit was called I Can Make You Feel Good by Tyler Mitchell.

It is always good to explore a museum at a new and expanded facility.  I assume that these exhibits will stay for a number of months and then be replaced by others.

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