Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Keeping Busy During the Coronavirus Crisis

Everything is closed as the Governor and Mayor tell everyone to stay home to minimize the spread of the Coronavirus.  The problem is nobody knows how long this situation will last.  There is no way this will end by Easter Sunday as stated by "You Know Who".  Here are some of the things that I am doing to keep busy:
  • Fact-checking essays for the SABR Games Project
  • Indexing articles for The Baseball Index
  • Taking walks in the neighborhood or local parks.  This is permissible as long as I maintain my distance from people.  Hopefully, the Mayor won't close the parks
  • Going to fast-food restaurants to take out food
  • Watching TV.  Jeopardy is on at 7 PM
  • Listening to the radio.
I must feel for people who are ill from this dreaded virus and for those who lost their job as a result of business closures.

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