Monday, March 16, 2020

What's Next and for How Long?

Today, I had a dentist's appointment in my old neighborhood of Rego Park.  Since the parking situation is so bad, I take the subway there.  The trains were much less crowded than usual.  I was careful to keep my distance from people and not to touch any surfaces.  The dentist instructed me to wash my hands as I came into her office.  I did not observe a message board or an internet radio station on the premises.  She had to replace an old filling.

After I arrived home, I decided to go to a fast-food restaurant for lunch.  Starting tomorrow restaurants and bars across New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut need to close to anything but take-out and delivery business.  I could go to a fast-food place and bring the stuff home.  The problem is that the fast-food places are about a 10-minute walk from home.  In that time, the food would get cold.

So far:
  • No sporting events
  • No museums
  • No libraries
  • No movies
  • No restaurants
So What's Next?

I certainly hope the city's parks won't be closed.

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