Saturday, April 25, 2020

Karen is On the Road to Recovery

 I usually don't like to post medical issues in this journal or on Facebook, but I feel this time I should.  I will omit some details since many people who read this don't "know me."  About two weeks ago Karen started to cough violently.  She did not have a fever, so I was hoping that it was not the dreaded COVID-19.  I finally convinced her to go to the Northwell Health Urgent Care Center in Bayside.  When they examined her on Monday, April 13, her oxygen levels were low.  They immediately sent her by ambulance to North Shore University Hospital in Manhasset.  The next day she was diagnosed with COVID-19.

Some complications developed as a condition she had a few years ago returned.  She also developed a urinary tract infection.  I must say that the medical care she received was excellent.  It was a shame that I couldn't come to visit her.  Finally, after 12 days she is home.  She has a catheter that will not be removed for another 10 days.  I also must give her injections 3 times a day to help boost her immune system.

I will be her caregiver for the foreseeable future.

God bless the doctors, nurses, and medical staff at North Shore University Hospital.

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