Thursday, April 30, 2020

Trying to Relax While Being a Caregiver for Karen

Karen is improving, albeit slowly which is a good sign.  She is eating much better which will result in gaining weight.  As a caregiver, I am on call almost all day.  I have to do many of the household chores that Karen would do.  Hopefully, as she recovers, she will be able to gradually resume some of those tasks.

I am trying to relax by doing the following:

  • Surfing the web - I have cut down my time doing this.
  • Watching game shows on TV.
  • Doing trivia games online
  • I find it very difficult to read since I just can't concentrate on the book or magazine
  • Sleep.  A few nights ago I had a dream about facing a transit delay.
I thank everyone who has sent prayers and kind wishes over the past few weeks.

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