Sunday, April 5, 2020

Where Have You Gone John Bartolotta? A Nation (France) Turns its Lonely Eyes to You

John Bartolotta was a classmate of mine while we were chemistry graduate students at the University of Rhode Island contacted me in 2014.  At that time he sent an email to me at my NJIT address which was deleted after I retired.  Marshall Margolis, another fellow graduate student just contacted me asking if I knew how to contact John.  I looked in the alumni directory and found a phone number that I gave to Marshall who said that it was disconnected.  It turns out that a third fellow student, Ante Krstulovic, now living in France, was trying to contact John.  I had a nice e-mail exchange with Ante as we recalled some of our mutual acquaintances.  Marshall said that through he found John's daughter and would try to contact her.

We'll see if John, a native of New Britain, CT, can be located and reconnect with us.


  1. I think I know the man you are looking for. I am very close friends with his son. Feel free to email me.

  2. Dave, please send me your email at This is the John Bartolotta from New Britain, Ct. A few of his former classmates from the University of Rhode Island want to reconnect with him.
