Thursday, June 18, 2020

I am Greatly looking Forward to Reopening Phase 2 in NYC

Hopefully, NYC will be entering Phase 2 of the reopening on Monday, June 22.  Governor Cuomo says that it should be done, but Mayor de Blasio is unsure.  I criticize the mayor for being indecisive many times during the Coronavirus crisis and the civil unrest.  The main reason I am looking forward to Phase 2 is so that Lee and I can finally take haircuts as we both look terrible.  I thought of taking a ride to Great Neck in Nassau County where Phase 2 is already in effect, but I decided to wait if the situation in NYC is changing.

We are also frustrated with limited recreational activities.  After a while, we get tired of walking around parks and sitting by the apartment complex and reading.  If baseball comes back, it is quite unlikely that fans will be allowed in the stadiums.  I think it will be a while before cultural activities such as museums and concerts will return.

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