Thursday, June 25, 2020

I Don't Like One Rule Change for the 2020 Baseball Season

I was wrong at predicting there would be no baseball season in 2020.  There will be a 60-game season beginning on July 24 with the same playoff format with 10 teams.  There is one rule implemented this season that I don't like.

All extra innings will start with a runner on second base.  The purpose of this is to avoid marathon games.  In the past, many historic games were very long taking 15 or more innings to complete.  The rationale seems to be to save stress on the pitching staff.  However, rosters for this abbreviated season will be expanded to 30 allowing for an expanded pitching staff.

I do have a few concerns:

  • What happens if several players on a team are positive for the virus?
  • Are three weeks for spring training enough especially for pitchers?
  • Will the players abide by the safety measures?

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