Monday, June 8, 2020

I Hope that MLB Owners and Players will Settle Soon and We Can Shout Out "Play Ball!"

Today is June 8th and there is no plan to resume major league baseball while the NBA and NHL have plans in place.  I read that after the bombing of Pearl Harbor President Franklin Roosevelt wanted baseball to be played to give Americans some diversion during World War II.  The level of play in MLB was not the same from 1942-45 as many outstanding players were in the service fighting for the Allies.

People are saddened by the deaths, illnesses, job losses, and civil unrest during this COVID-19 crisis.  Likewise, there have been minimal recreational or cultural activities available since March.  We just can't look at our computer screens all day.  The return of MLB would lift up the spirits of the American public.  A shortened season with no fans in the stands would not be the same, but certainly, it would be better than no baseball at all.  Millionaires (the players) squabbling with Billionaires (the owners) has prevented a resumption of play.  For the sake of the American baseball fan, please resolve your differences and start the season in early July.

1 comment:

  1. I hope so too! Between hockey, basketball, and football, I think my sports appetite will be satiated.
