Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Why are the Mets and Yankees Making it Difficult to Get Refunds on Tickets?

The Mets offer packages of 20, 41, and 81 games for a normal season.  Since I usually go to 12-15 games a season, I chose to buy tickets for individual games.  In February the Mets advertised that for a period of time tickets may be purchased online without the fee.  At that time, I bought 3 tickets for 11 games for about $1100.  The Mets are refunding tickets on a monthly basis.  I got refunds for tickets purchased in April and May.  I applied for a refund for 2 games in June, but I have received them.  It is obvious that at this point all games will be played without fans in the stands.  Why can't they give refunds for the entire season at once?

I usually go to 2 or 3 Yankee games every season.  In early March I decided to take a trip to the Stadium to buy tickets at the box office.  The Yankees announced on their website that I will have to wait until Spring 2021 to exchange those tickets for games next season.

In both cases, the teams earn interest on the money they are holding for tickets sold for games that will not be played in front of spectators.


Later today the Mets announced they were refunding all tickets for 2020.  I had a problem accessing their site for refunds.

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