Sunday, August 9, 2020

Being an Administrator of Fan Groups on Facebook

Over the years I have initiated a handful of fan groups on Facebook.  Once in awhile, there will be inappropriate comments that need to be deleted, but those are minimal.  I will list the groups with a few comments:

  • Fans of Cousin Bruce Morrow - I started this group in the early days of Facebook around 2007.  It actually pre-dates Cousin Bruce's Official Friendship Group that was started by his staff at SiriusXM.  It now has 7900 members and has grown tremendously since Brucie announced he was leaving SiriusXM.  There is speculation that he will be doing a Saturday Night show on WABC.
  • Fans of Harry Harrison - I also started this in the early days of Facebook.  It now has 2570 including Harry's daughter Patty who is very active in this group.  There were numerous posts at the time of Harry's passing in January 2020.
  • NYC Oldies Radio Enthusiasts -I formed this group as a place for those attending the Oldies Meet and Greets to hang out.  It did not turn out this way as people with oldies shows on internet radio are using it to promote their shows.  It has 1100 members including many not from the NYC area.
  • Fans of WMCA Good Guy Radio -  WMCA was a popular Top 40 station in NYC from 1962-70.  In a short period of time, it has grown to 1100 members.  Some people post airchecks of various DJs.
  • Bob Dylan fans in NYC - this has only 40 members.  I guess there are just too many Bob Dylan fan groups on Facebook.

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