Thursday, August 6, 2020

Stephen Bogart Lebow and Breslin and Hamill: Deadline Artists

A week or so ago I remarked on Facebook that I have not even met in person most of my 611 Facebook friends and that I should determine that number.  Stephen Bogart Lebow is CEO at New Spirit Broadcasting and Global Broadcasting.  I remember friending him c.2007 after I said something positive about his father the late Guy Lebow who was a sportscaster and radio station owner in NYC.  In 1971 I phoned Guy who was sitting in for Jack Spector on his sports talk show on WMCA.

Anyway, yesterday it was announced that New York City newspaper legend Pete Hamill just passed away.  I was perusing my Facebook feed and observed a thread about Pete Hamill.  One of his Facebook friends posted about a documentary called Breslin and Hamill: Deadline Artists.  This piqued my curiosity and since I had access to this film through HBO Max, I thought I would view it.

The documentary made me realize what excellent journalists Jimmy Breslin and Pete Hamill were.  The film highlighted many of the significant stories that the two covered over the years.  It also reminded me of the great influence that newspapers had during my years growing up in Queens.  When I rode the subway to CCNY in the late 1960s, most people were reading newspapers while most subway riders today are engrossed in their cell phones.  I highly recommend my readers view this documentary.  I will try to read some publications by these two distinguished journalists.  I remember reading  Can't Anyone Here Play this Game by Jimmy Breslin as he documented the futility of the 1962 New York Mets.

The New York Times, New York Post, and Daily News are still being published, but their influence is minimal today as people rely on the internet for news.  I believe those publications are now emphasizing their online versions.

I made Facebook friends with people who share common interests even though I've never met.  Stephen Bogart Lebow and I share an interest in radio.  I guess I should not drop Facebook friends as I may learn from them.

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