Thursday, September 10, 2020

I am Glad that Indoor Dining Will be Returning on September 30 in NYC


 I certainly have missed going out to restaurants for meals over the past 6 months.  It was a nuisance to walk to fast-food restaurants in the neighborhood buy the food and walk quickly back home to eat it before it gets cold. On several occasions, we drove for 15 minutes to Ben's Deli to order sandwiches and then drive back home.

There are restrictions as there can only be 25% capacity sitting in the restaurants.  This could create lines at popular restaurants.  Hopefully, they will take reservations.  I do sense there are politics involved in this decision.  Restaurants as close as Nassau and Westchester counties were allowed to open with 50% capacity several months ago.  Sadly, thousands of restaurants in New York State have closed over the past months.  As of now the infection rate is less than 1%, but Mayor de Blasio states that if the infection rates hit 2 % indoor dining will stop.

Bon appetit.

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