Sunday, September 20, 2020

Random thoughts of the Day


  • Today would have been Harry Harrsions's 90th birthday.
  • For the past two days, I attended virtual Rosh Hashana services offered by the Free Synagogue of Flushing.  The Rabbi, Cantor, pianist, and camera operators were the only ones in the temple.  The people blowing the shofar did it remotely.
  • NYC Oldies Radio Enthusiasts is one of the Facebook groups that I moderate.  I can not understand why people from outside the New York Metropolitan area join it.  Most of them are lurkers.  Many people use this group to promote their internet radio shows.
  • I really hope that Donald Trump can be blocked from nominating a Supreme Court justice.  The Republicans denied Barack Obama's nominee from being considered 9 months before the election in 2016.  Politics suck.
  • I saw the documentary RBG a few years ago but did not document it in this journal.  She was an extraordinary woman.

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