Tuesday, September 29, 2020

The New York Mets in Popular Culture edited by David Krell - Book Review


We are very often so deeply involved in our popular culture that we don’t realize that this culture exists.  Sports very often provides an escape from our daily problems.  The Mets have been a large part of the popular culture of New York City since the team’s inception in 1962.  The team often intersected with other entertainment venues including movies, television, and music as shown in this book.

I have read many baseball books that are very scholarly and provided numerous statistics and details that are suitable for the serious baseball researcher.  Editor David Krell received contributions by several academics whose contributions are suitable for the casual Met fan who want more detail about the “Beloved Amazins”. Krell, a noted baseball writer, made two contributions. I have been a Met fan since 1962 and learned quite a bit from reading this book.

For example, I always enjoyed Bob Murphy’s broadcasts but knew little of his career before he joined the Mets.  Donna Halper, a professor of media studies, provides a detailed account.  Likewise, there is an excellent biography of Joan Payson, the first owner of the Mets, by SABR member Leslie Heaphy.  I was also amused to read more about Mr. Met.

Each contribution included a long list of notes that provide a reference to original newspaper articles so that serious baseball scholars can get more detailed information.  I highly recommend this book to all baseball enthusiasts even if they are not Met fans.

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