Thursday, October 15, 2020

Today is the 15th Anniversary of Bruce's Journal


On October 15, 2005, I wrote my first blog entry and have kept going for 15 years with over 4100 entries and 667,000 page views.  It is safe to assume that most of the hits are casual as readers peruse the article quickly and then move on to something else.  I never know who reads it and assume that some readers know me while most are complete strangers.  I also have no idea how many are regular readers.  On a few occasions, I tried to poll readers, but there was a very small response.  Very few readers make comments.  Most of the entries fall into the following categories:
  • Baseball with emphasis on the New York Mets
  • Sporting events that I attended
  • Movies
  • Museum trips
  • Bob Dylan
  • Oldies music
  • Random Comments of the Day
  • Radio Broadcasting
I have to renew the domain every year.  I wish there was a way to renew it in perpetuity so many years from now when I pass on the blog will remain.  I plan to continue as I have been averaging about 240 entries a year.

And the beat goes on.

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