Saturday, October 3, 2020

Today's Trip to the Whitney Museum


The last time I was at The Whitney was in December 2019.  I obviously could not visit over the past 6 months so we thought it was time to see what was there.  We had to make a reservation in advance and wear a mask throughout our visit.

We decided to start our visit on the top floor where we saw an exhibit called Agnes Pelton: Desert Transcendentalist.  Agnes Pelton (1881-1961) was an American visionary symbolist who depicted the spiritual reality she experienced in moments of meditative stillness.  Below are two of her paintings.

Below is an interesting work by Roy Lichtenstein.  I guess a bathroom can be considered a piece of art.

Another exhibit was Vida Americana: Mexican Muralists Remake American Art.  It included works by leading Mexican Muralists José Clemente Orozco, Diego Rivera, and David Alfaro Siqueiros.

It was an enjoyable afternoon.  I am certainly glad that museums have reopened.

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