Friday, December 11, 2020

Are Restaurants Being Scapegoated as the Cause of the Rise of COVID-19 Cases?

Yesterday we ate lunch at Ben's Deli in Bayside which may be our last meal in a restaurant for a while.  For several months in New York City restaurants have been open allowing for 25% capacity.  As predicted the COVID-19 cases have risen as people are spending more time indoors since the weather is colder.   The Governor announced that if the number of hospitalizations rises, restaurants will be open only for take-out.  In my opinion, the main cause of the rise of COVID-19 is caused by gatherings in people's homes.

A limit of 25% capacity allows for social distancing.  Obviously, people eating must take off their masks while they eat, but diners are several feet away from other customers.  When one enters a restaurant the body temperature is measured.  Restaurant employees thoroughly clean the facility several times a day to prevent the spread of the virus.

It is very sad that thousands of restaurants across the country have closed permanently as a result of lost business.  More will close when indoor dining is shut down in the near future.


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