Thursday, December 3, 2020

Oy Vey - The COVID Situation Looks Very Bad


I just read the following in the New York Times:

The number of Covid-19 patients in U.S. hospitals exceeded 100,000 for the first time, nearly double the peak from the first wave in the spring.

The experts were correct in predicting the second wave in the fall.  I assume the reason is that people are staying indoors where it is easier to spread the virus.  I assume there is also "pandemic fatigue" when people are tired of wearing masks and social distancing.  At least, a far smaller proportion of people who get the virus these days are dying from it.

On the positive side, the vaccines will start to be distributed later this month.  It will take several months for the vaccines to be distributed to all who want it.  There is the fear that people who refuse the vaccine will contract the disease and spread it to others.

Hopefully, there will not be a "pause" as that will create problems such as domestic violence since people would be frustrated by having to stay home.  Likewise, more businesses would close permanently.

Let's hope for the best.

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