Monday, January 25, 2021

Thanks to Google Chrome and Spectrum Internet I won a Cousin Brucie - T-Shirt

I was never much of a radio contest "nut" over the years.  Usually, the DJ announces the first phone caller wins the prize.  Thousands of people dial the number milliseconds after the announcement is made, and one lucky person wins the prize.  On Saturday night January 16 Cousin Brucie gave a website and stated the first 25 people who submit their contact information will win the shirt seen above.  When I got to that site I typed in my first name and Google Chrome automatically put the rest of my contact information in the proper boxes.  That certainly saved several seconds by not requiring me to type in the information.  My Spectrum Internet then transmitted the information quickly.  The next day I received an email stating that I won the shirt.

I certainly hope that the next time WABC runs that contest Mary Shaw and Leslie Peskoff Fisch will win since they are Cousin Brucie's biggest fans.


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