Friday, January 22, 2021

Will Zoom Meetings Prevail When "Normalcy" Returns?


Since people can not gather for face-to-face meetings during this pandemic Zoom meetings have become very popular for online classes and discussions among hobbyists.  There are more meetings online than there ever was face-to-face before the pandemic.  For example, the New York Giants Preservation Society (baseball) held about 3 meetings a year at a sports bar.  Over the past few months, this group has run meetings almost every week.  For a while, I attended these online meetings, but as long as I don't want to ask a question, I view the archived version at my convenience.  Since the meetings are online, people from all over the country can attend.

Likewise, a Bob Dylan fan group that I organized in Fall 2019 used to hold meetings at NYU in Greenwich Village.  We now hold monthly meetings online.

Once this miserable pandemic ends, will people prefer online meetings?  It remains to be seen..

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