Saturday, February 20, 2021

Thank You for Being My Friend at this Very Difficult Time

 Lee and I greatly appreciate the kind messages that we received on Facebook after I announced Karen’s passing. I must have received about 200 messages from Facebook friends.  Friends from my grade school days, high school, college, grad school, my career, my hobbies, even friends I've never met in the flesh, all lent strength when I needed it most. I read every message and cherish their sentiments. My oldies radio friends were especially kind to me. I would like to call out some people who were especially kind to us:

Scott, Justin, and Faith Shapiro who are our nephews and niece.

Joyce Feuer – my sister

Alan Kanis -Karen’s cousin

Jonathan Binstock who phone me from Maryland

David McMillan – who phoned me from Oklahoma

Cara Sieden – who phoned me from Queens

My Bob Dylan friends, Millie Lyttle, Walter Raubicheck, Lawrence Kaplan, Danny Fingeroth, Caitlin Hawke, and Marcus Marsden.  There was a Zoom meeting that night that they canceled saying that it wouldn’t be the same without me.  Those guys know more about Dylan than me.

Yesterday, I received a phone call from Lou Saffrin whom I had not seen in 50 years.  I worked with him as stock boys for Alexanders when were students.  He went out of his way to look up my phone number.

Please be assured that even if I didn’t mention you in this journal entry, I appreciate your kindness and compassion.

I am going to conclude this journal entry with You’ve Got a Friend by Carole King who was one of Karen’s favorite singer/songwriters.

1 comment:

  1. I am saddened to read about the passing of Karen, Bruce. Through your journal, I know this past year had some challenges for your family. Here's hoping this new chapter brings joy and happiness to you and Lee.
