Wednesday, March 31, 2021

I am Now Fully-Vaccinated - Thank You Walgreens for Your Efficiency

 It took many attempts to get an appointment, but I finally succeeded at the end of February.  I thought I would get an appointment at Citi Field which is a mega site, but I got my two appointments at Walgreens.  My first appointment for the Moderna vaccine was at the Walgreens in downtown Flushing which is a 20-minute walk for me.  I arrived at 2 PM and got my shot at 2:25 as my appointment was for 2:30.  The only problem was that I had a slight fever for a few hours the next day.

My second dose was scheduled for today at 2:30 at Walgreens in College Point which was a 10-minute drive away.  I received my shot at 2:20 PM.  I must admire Walgreens for its efficiency.

I have read that if 70-90% of the population is vaccinated there will be herd immunity.  Hopefully, this will mean a return to normalcy with everything open at full capacity with no masks or social distancing.  Unfortunately, there is a group called Anti-Vaxxers who refuse to be vaccinated.  Hopefully, they are a very tiny minority.

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