Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Just Like Old Times - Problems on the #7 Train Changed My Plans for the Day


Today at about 11 AM there was a track fire at
103rd Street on the #7 Line

I still have a blog https://nynjcommuting.wordpress.com/ where I documented my horrors commuting from Flushing to Newark.  I stopped adding to that blog when I retired at the end of 2017.  

Anyway, today I thought I need some diversion and wanted to walk along the Highline on the west side of Manhattan as I have done several times in the past.  I left home at about 10:30 and walked to the Main Street station of the #7 line.  The train proceeded to the 111th Street station where it stopped.  After 10 minutes the conductor announced there was a track fire at 103rd Street.  He suggested that passengers wanting to go the Manhattan should backtrack and take a westbound train at Willets Point which would bypass the track fire.  I didn't want any further aggravation so I decided to return home.  I could return to the Highline on another day.

I spent some time cleaning out the apartment.  Oh well.

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