Saturday, May 1, 2021

May 1 Visit to the Whitney Museum

I certainly have documented in this journal several trips to the Whitney Museum since 2011.  I thought today would be a good time to have a return visit.  We started out on the top floor by viewing the exhibit Dawoud Bey: An American Project.  Bey is a photographer who chronicles communities and histories that have been largely underrepresented or even unseen.

One of the photographs from that exhibit

Much of the rest of the museum was devoted to samples from the museum's rich collection.

A work by Andy Warhol

For some reason, this statue reminds me of Richard Nixon.

An exhibit was devoted to the works of JulieMehretu, an Ethiopian artist who specializes in abstract art.  She creates new forms and finds unexpected resonances by drawing from the histories of art and human civilization.
by Julie Mehretu

I'll return to the Whitney later in the year when the exhibitions change.

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