Saturday, May 29, 2021

WABC Rewound: A Memorial Day Tradition Continues - Thank You Allan Sniffen


Dan Ingram Aircheck on WABC from August 1962 posted by Ellis Feaster

WABC was the premier Top 40 radio station from 1960 until 1982 when it became a talk radio station.  It featured personalities including:
  • Dan Ingram
  • Harry Harrison
  • Cousin Bruce Morrow
  • Chuck Leonard
  • Ron Lundy
  • Charlie Greer
For several years WABC broke format on Memorial Day and played airchecks from the golden age of Musicradio WABC.  After a while, WABC stopped doing this, but Allan Sniffen continued the tradition by playing recordings on WABC the entire Memorial Day weekend on Rewound Radio which usually plays oldies.  It is nice to listen to the radio the way it was while we were growing up in the 1960s and 1970s.  Thank you Allan Sniffen.

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