Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Bob Dylan: Odds and Ends - Another Documentary


I was reading Facebook yesterday afternoon when I found out about this new documentary.  I rented it from Amazon Prime for $5.99.  I presume that eventually, this two-hour film will be available on DVD.  The producers offered a mix of materials that were previously released piecemeal.  Obviously, there were no significant revelations in this film.  There were a few minor facts that I became aware of for the first time.  Dylan scholars and diehard fans will enjoy this, but will not learn anything new.  Casual fans and newbies should view this.

The producers use a chronological approach, but the film ends at Blood on the Tracks which was released in 1974.  Hopefully there will be a part 2 covering Dylan's career from 1975 to the present.

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