Sunday, June 20, 2021

Return Visit to the Museum of the City of New York


According to my records, I last visited the Museum of the City of New York last August 30th.  There are two new exhibits there that piqued my interest:

New York New Music   -  The years 1980-86 offered a wide range of music, from punk to pop to hip-hop to salsa to jazz, mixed in a dynamic arts scene that stretched across clubs and bars, theaters, parks, and art spaces.  The exhibit showed several music videos and still photos of major recording artists of that era.

Rising Tide: Visualizing the Human Costs of the Climate Crisis  - Dutch documentary photographer Kadir van Lohuizen illustrates the dramatic consequences of climate change across the world through photographs, video, drone images, and sound.

We also perused some of the permanent exhibits that we viewed during previous visits.  These included:

  • City/Game - basketball at all levels in NYC
  • Collecting New York's Stories
  • New York at its Core

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