Sunday, August 22, 2021

Jack Zerby - Extraordinary Writer and Editor for SABR Passes Away at 78


Yesterday, I found out about the passing of Jack Zerby at age 78.  I knew Jack as a writer and fact-checker for the SABR Games and Biography Projects.  Please look at the bibliography of his SABR publications.  I met Jack at the SABR annual meeting in Pittsburgh in 2018.  I certainly exchanged many emails with him over the past 3 years on SABR issues.  I appreciated his kindness when he sent me a condolence card after Karen’s passing in February.

Here are some comments made by some of his SABR colleagues:

John Fredland - Jack was one of the first Games Project members whom I ever interacted with, when Mike Huber sent him one of my articles with directions to reduce some of the word count. He did a great job at that, much as he did in many other areas with the Games Project and SABR in general. His encouragement inspired me to apply for the committee chair position last year, and he contributed to our team in many ways, especially in coaching new authors and coming up with outstanding ideas for his own articles.

Tom Brown - Jack was one of the first individuals that I met when I became active in SABR back in 2016. We hung out at the two SABR conventions that we attended and talked about doing the same thing at Baltimore. I always enjoyed our chats and phone calls about baseball as well as life here in NC where we both lived. He was definitely a mentor to me and always had an encouraging word. Like you said, he had a knack for finding interesting stories about players and games that might have been overlooked. His participation in the Games Project and SABR will be missed.

Bill Nowlin - Jack was a wonderful colleague and collaborator, and always seemed to be in a positive frame of mind.

Steve Weiner - When I think of Jack Zerby, I think of one word: POSITIVE!… word, thought and deed, no matter how you might have interacted with him. I knew him only briefly (since the New York City SABR convention). I’ll remember him for much longer. Thank you, Jack!

Len Levin - Ironically, I copyedited a game story today in which the author thanked Jack for his assistance. That was Jack, always willing to help.

Gary Belleville - Jack was always very generous with his time. He helped me immensely when I began to write for the Games Project. I will miss him very much

My condolences to his family and friends.  He will be sorely missed by all who knew him.




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