Saturday, September 4, 2021

Random Thoughts of the Day


Thankfully, there were no major problems in my neighborhood after Ida.  The Mitchell-Linden branch of Queens Library located on the ground floor has been closed on account of flooding.  Hopefully, no books were ruined and damage was limited to a wet floor.

I drove on the Grand Central Parkway this morning and saw several abandoned cars on the side of the road.  There was one car abandoned on a side street in my neighborhood.  After three days the owners should see if they can start the car.  If not, call a tow truck.  It is possible it is hard to get a tow truck these days.

Right now I am listening to an aircheck from WOR-FM from 1970 on Rewound Radio.

Lee and I will be seeing a Beatles tribute group tomorrow.  I will write it up when I get home.

I wish the "powers that be" and Sony Pictures Television would finally make a decision on a permanent host for Jeopardy.  Do they really need more guest hosts?

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