Friday, October 15, 2021

The Beatles are at it again - A Remastered Version of Let it Be is Released Today


Let it Be was the last album the Beatles released as a group in Spring 1970.  As they did with other albums at or near their 50th anniversary a newly remastered version is released.  Giles Martin, son of legendary producer George Martin, did the remastering.  This re-release is available in a variety of sizes and formats.  I resisted the temptation of buying the super deluxe version with 5 CDs at $118.  I compromised and bought the 2 CD version for about $20.  The second CD includes outtakes and alternative versions.

I guess the bottom line, literally, is that there are big bucks for everyone including the record company, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, and the estates of John Lennon and George Harrison.

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