Wednesday, November 17, 2021

I Received a Nice Comment about this Blog


After writing over 4300 journal entries over 16 years, I rarely get any comments from readers.  I have gotten thousands of hits, but generally, people want to remain anonymous when they surf the web.  Anyone with a Gmail account can leave a comment about this Journal in general or about a specific entry.  I may be reached by email at or  Below is a nice comment I received from Nick from Long Beach, California:

I’ve been a follower of your blog for several years now and never knew how to reach you - until you provided your email address recently in your blog - especially to express my condolences when your beloved wife passed away.

My name is Nick (born in 1953), grew up in Pittsburgh where I USED to be a huge Pirates fan till the current ownership ruined that, and moved to Southern California in 1984, where I’ve lived since then in Long Beach.

I share many of your same interests, especially the music of our era (except Bob Dylan, sorry). But I saw this in my hometown newspaper today and thought I’d introduce myself and pass it along to you.

OK, not everybody likes Dylan.

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