Monday, November 1, 2021

Oldies Zoom Meet and Greet is Set For Saturday November 13 at 2 PM

 Saturday, November 13, 2 PM - Careers as an Oldies Radio Personality - The Long and Winding Road - Keith Allen Verdi and Don Tandler will be our guest speakers discussing how their careers as oldies radio personalities developed. We are more likely to be aware of the career paths of well-known DJs including Cousin Brucie, the late Dan Ingram, and the late Harry Harrison among others. Keith is best known for his time at B-103 on Long Island while Don worked at NJ-101.5 and Pop Gold Radio. Both of them worked at other radio stations and experienced successes and setbacks. They will be pleased to answer questions.

I thank Bill Dillane for letting Jeff Scheckner and I use his Zoom account for this meeting.

Please send me an email at and I will be pleased to send you the login information. I would rather not put this information in a "public forum" since someone could sabotage the meeting. It happened to me once.

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