Friday, December 10, 2021

Recalling my 50 years as a Member of the American Chemical Society


I just received a letter from the American Chemical Society congratulating me for being a 50-year member.  I joined while pursuing a Master's degree in chemistry at the University of Rhode Island.  My first major contribution was a Careers in Chemical Information Workshop held at the City University Graduate Center in November 1989.  It was to advise students of an alternative to working in the laboratory.

Slutsky, B. (1991). A Careers in Chemical Information Workshop. Journal of Chemical Education, 68(1), 43-45.

Over the succeeding years, I organized several similar workshops held at the American Chemical Society National Meetings n various locations.

I was also a Careers Consultant offering advice on a one-to-one basis to chemists needing guidance.

I organized the Tri-Society Symposium in 1999, a joint venture of the ACS, ASIS, and SLA,

I was the Chair of the ACS Division of Chemical Information Publication Committee.  As part of this role, I edited the division's newsletter.

I organized the ACS on Campus event at NJIT in December 2012.

For many years I participated in the New Jersey Chemistry Olympics for high school students.  This was an ACS event.

I feel that over the years I was an asset to my profession.

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