Monday, February 14, 2022

Crazy Dreams about My Former Colleagues


We can never control what we dream.  Very often we completely forget them or only remember parts of them.  Here are some of the dreams I do remember.  Most of them don't make sense.  I am careful not to mention any names.

We used to kid DS, former Director of Reference, about her lack of knowledge of sports.  I had a dream about escorting her to a basketball game on campus.  I had another dream about accompanying her to an information class.  That did make sense.

I saw RS, the late University Librarian, sitting at the reference desk playing poker with some students.  I had another dream when he drove people home after working late.

I had a dream when AH, the current University Librarian, closed all the restrooms for no reason.

In a recent dream, I attended a gathering of former employees.  I was talking to MB, the Red Sox fan, when DJ, the former Assistant University Librarian walked in.

I phoned HS, my former reference colleague, to say I would arrive late.  When I arrived, she was talking to JR, now at NYU, who presented her with a list of students who evaded the fare on the Light Rail near campus.

Is there anything else for the good of the order?

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