Sunday, February 13, 2022

Jimi Hendrix Tribute Band at Flushing Town Hall


Jimy Bleu as Jimi Hendrix

We certainly can't see a concert by a deceased recording artist, but there are always tribute bands.  It is hard to believe that Jimi passed away over 50 years ago.   Last night Lee and I went to Flushing Town Hall to see Jimy Bleu, Moby Medina, and Ted Edwards emulate the Jimi Hendrix Experience.  They played many of his well-known songs including:
  • Purple Haze
  • Are Your Experienced
  • Foxy Lady
  • Are You Experienced?
  • Stone Free
They did an excellent job at playing those songs. Most of the members of the audience were baby boomers like myself who listened to Jimi while he was still living. 

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