Sunday, February 6, 2022

Random Thoughts of the Day


It is almost certain that spring training will be delayed.  It is also possible that the baseball season will be shortened.  I guess both the players and owners are equally guilty.  It is a lose-lose situation.

I read an article in the New York Times about a teacher who lost her job over something she wrote in her blog.  This woman is going to court arguing that what she wrote was done outside of work. I have learned from experience that I should be careful about what I post since anybody can read it.  I have political opinions, but I won't post them here.  

I posted my email address on the front page of this blog, but nobody has contacted me.  I guess people want to be anonymous when they surf the web.

I am currently reading Morgan, B. (2007). I celebrate myself: The somewhat private life of Allen Ginsberg. London: Penguin. - I didn't know that he was a classmate of Jack Kerouac at Columbia University.

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